Portland Mother's Bistro & Bar [值得一去的波特兰市妈妈小酒馆餐厅]
Portland Mother’s Bistro & Bar
Mother’s Bistro is located in the center of all the tourist spots. It is surrounded by many different restaurants, bars, cafes, gift shops, and etc.
Mother’s Bistro 在波特兰很有名,是数一数二的早午餐餐厅。他们主攻美式家常菜以及每月的特色菜单出品。如果选择周末来,最好提前一两天打电话预约,他们不接收当天预约哦!周末排队时间平均30-40分钟不等,但是整家店面积很大,所以速度还是比较快。不预约也没有关系,因为街对面就有本地著名的Stumptown精品咖啡馆,可以去那里点上一杯卡布奇诺慢慢品尝等待。
Mother’s Bistro is a popular brunch spot in Portland, they focus on American home-style cooking and special monthly menus. It is best to make a reservation before one or two days, and they do not take the same day reservations. On weekends, the average wait time is about 30-40 minutes. Even if you don’t make any reservations ahead of time, it won't be the worst because there is a Stumptown Coffee just right across the street.
The restaurant itself is spacious and bright. However, it is quite noisy in the restaurant because they are very busy. Their food’s portion is very satisfying, so you don’t have to worry about not ordering enough.
虽然是早餐时间,但是你也可以从午餐菜单上点。我们总共点了两道菜和一杯咖啡,一个是Traditional Eggs Benedict 【班尼迪克蛋】, 另一个是Meatball Hero【意式牛肉丸】。咖啡是来自当地有名的精品咖啡店Extracto。两道菜味道都很不错,土豆外脆里嫩,荷包蛋煮的也非常到位。
Even Though it is breakfast time, you can order from the lunch menu as well. We ordered a mug of coffee, Traditional Eggs Benedict and Meatball Hero. Coffee is from a local coffee roaster Extracto and it is very tasty.
The grand total of the meal is $30. The price range here is very average for brunch places in town.